Allison Paige
Allison Paige has starred in numerous shows on television and the internet, like Welcome to Sanditon (2017) The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2016) and Days of Our Lives (2009). She also has starred in several films, such as Pray for Rain (2017), The Wedding Party (16) and The Dog Lover (16). The actress is a lover of dogs and an active social media user. Allison Paige has been a artist for more than thirty years. Born in Refugio, United States of America on the 27th of May 1982. Lofton Creek Records published Paige's debut album End of the World on the 4th of June 2004. A video was produced for the song "Send an Message". Allison owned a net worth of approximately $5 Million as at December 11th 2023.
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